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Treasuring the gifts we can give

Dear Alumni and Friends,

I'm sure Ole Miss has a special place in your heart and always feels like home, as it does for many of us. Just what is it about Ole Miss that captivates us?

Of course, the University is steeped in tradition and the beauty our campus possesses is unparalleled. Inside our gates is a dynamic, diverse environment with impressive research and academics. The opportunities to get invoved and relationships we form play an important role in uncovering personal and professional goals. But these things alone aren't what make this place special.

The answer isn't in what we get out of our Ole Miss education, but what we can give to others because of it.

Ole Miss has a keen focus on service – a  mindset of sharing one's time and talents to benefit others.

Our shared Ole Miss legacy gives us roots here. From this foundation, we may apply the holisitic education afforded to us to forge our own paths of service through professional achievements and various other areas of life.

We hope you will consider what Ole Miss has done for you and show your generosity with a gift of any size. Your support gives students their own roots here, which allows them to thrive and serve others in their own special way.

A happy season of Thanksgiving to you and yours,

The UM Foundation & the Office of Development
